Thursday, September 23, 2010

There are 2 kinds of sleepers ... people who sleep well & those who don't! Which kind are you?

Did you know that the average person spends more than 10,000 hours sleeping throughout their lifetime? That’s a third of our life. How we feel during the day greatly depends on how we sleep at night. Most Americans, however, still don’t recognize the critical role sleep plays for good health. In fact, up until the mid 1900’s, most scientists believed that sleep was an inactive state that had little or no value –  just something we did when the sun set. Things are beginning to change, however, now that we as a society are starting to feel the detrimental effects of sleep deprivation.

According to the national sleep foundation, there is a national sleep disturbance epidemic in the USA. Americans are spending over 3 billion dollars a year on sleep medications. 50% of couples have temperature incompatibility (a nightly tug of war with the covers). And 6 out of 10 men/women suffer with insomnia issues relating to tension/stress, tossing & turning, temperature, night sweats, asthma/allergies, and from the aches & pains of age, surgeries, arthritis, diabetes, or fibromyalgia. 

Of those 10,000 hours, how many nights do you lie awake because of trouble sleeping?
What would a good night’s sleep be worth to you?

TODAY’S TIP:  Sleep Deprivation Quiz: Are you getting enough sleep every night? 
If you answer “yes” to more than 3 of the following questions, you may not be getting the kind of sleep you need for good health! If this is the case, it's never too late to “wake-up” to the implications of poor sleep and determine to create new habits that support your health and quality of life.

Do you ...
Have trouble falling asleep at night?
Use alcohol to help you get to sleep?
Have to use an alarm clock to wake up in the morning?
Wake up feeling tired and unrefreshed in the morning?
Drink coffee or energy drinks to stay awake during the day?
Fall asleep while watching TV?
Feel irritable or depressed much of the time?
Feel like you have trouble focusing on the job?
Feel like you're not getting anything done?
Seem to have frequent accidents at home or in your car?
Feel like you have to take a nap every day?
Have trouble staying asleep?

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